The SolarSystemGo game aims to promote learning about the Solar System in a playful way, using an Augmented Reality (AR) application available on the mobile phone. In this game, students organized in teams of 3 to 4 students, start their journey on the Sun and the challenge is to find the orbits and their planets, answering questions about them. For each stage successfully completed, they receive points and the team with the most points wins the game.
AR is an emerging topic that has been gaining prominence thanks to its great potential to combine the real world with virtual objects, which allows to capture the interest and attention of students in order to promote their learning.
To be played, GPS is necessary, so it has to take place in an outer space away from buildings and other obstacles that may impair its use.
The BackOffice aims to give teachers of the various educational degrees the possibility to customize this game according to the program they are teaching. In this sense, teachers can, for example, create the questions they consider appropriate to their level of education. teaching.
SolarSystemGO carried out by students Miguel Silva, Rafael Lopes and Telmo Faria results from the continuation of a project that started in the academic year 2016/2017 (Carrança, 2017) in partnership with the Academy of Science, Art and Heritage.
J. A. Carrança, Tecnologias de Realidade Aumentada com Aplicação ao Ensino e Divulgação da Astronomia e da Paleontologia, Master Thesis (in portuguese), Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, 2017.